Content Aware Scale Edit
I wanted to share a little behind the scenes with you. So, I learned about this neat tool in Photoshop called Content Aware Scale. Basically what it does is allows you to stretch out and enlarge information in a photo without distorting important information or subjects. This tool came in handy for an old photo that I snapped of my son. Looking back at old work can be bitter sweet for so many reasons. One, it makes you realize how much you’ve learned and it also makes you wish you can go back to those moments and re-do the photo. Luckily, this image is salvageable. I saved the original raw file and wanted to re-work it using Content Aware scale so that there is more negative space around my son. This is the tutorial I followed to basically do it. It’s pretty cool. Click Here and Check it out and while you’re at it try it for yourself!