This years garden has been such a blessing. Just take a look at this bounty! I had no idea what a stress reliever gardening can provide. My family and I went out this morning to collect the fruits of our labor and it was so uplifting to me. Yesterday was I was in a slump and have been feeling majorly stressed and some depression. I’m a teacher in Illinois and I recently heard our proposal for our upcoming 2020-2021 school year during the pandemic. I’m trying my hardest to keep myself together as my body and mind runs through the gamut of emotions and thoughts. We are being told to give in person learning every day which has it’s pros and cons. I have so many mixed feelings on this. I feel fearful for the health of myself, family and students, but teaching in a classroom is so much more effective for an art teacher. However, there are so many variables that are worrisome and it’s causing elevation in anxiety and stress. I have boys who are immune compromised with asthma and a husband who has some health issue as well. I worry for all of our safety and I’m just trying to focus on the positive for my sanity and well being. I want to be teaching, I want to give my students the best art education possible. I’m just praying for our society to come up with something to help control COVID-19 and for a healthy future for us all; we have to work together to make it happen. Please do what you can to help. Love and light to you all.